Friday 20 March 2015

Hot Fuzz

Q 1. Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre.

Use examples from the extract. [10 marks]
One way in which this extract seems to fit Hot Fuzz into the action/adventure genre is the presence of weapons. Many of the citizens of the village and Sergeant Angel possess a firearm and use it. The firearms also represent violence which is common in action/adventure genre films.
Another way is the battle which occurs dignifies the action/adventure genre because of how the village citizens seem only to be interested in attacking the protagonist, showing a one man army occurring and the fact that the protagonist wins, also supports that this extract is indeed from that genre.

Q 3. Discuss the ways in which people are represented in the extract.

Refer to stereotypes in your answer.
Use examples from the extract. [20 marks]
In the extract, there are many ways in which the characters are represented. The villagers stick to the stereotype of being old which is dignified by their old-styled clothing. However, they break the stereotype when they become violent by attacking Angel which isn't a particular elderly trait. Yet, their age shows through by their lack of ability to making a good shot (for instance, when the woman from the window behind Angel starts shooting, she fails to lay a shot) and slow reloading skills.
As well, the protagonist is a white, male who fits the stereotypical hero persona and is put across as strong and brave. His strength is indicated by the good technique he uses with his gun and bravery by facing all the people alone.  His protagonist nature can be shown by how he is a policeman, evident through his Police uniform. As well, he enters on a white horse which, in old western films, the protagonist used to ride into battle onto such colour horse; also there was a western-themed soundtrack playing.

His what-seems-partner seems more overweight than Angel himself and the stereotypical trait of laziness from a fat person shines through with how he fails, until the very end, to help out Angel and just sits out in the police car.

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